Friday, April 04, 2014

Empty All Tables In an Oracle Schema

In stead of removing all tables in our schema as shown in post Drop All Tables In an Oracle Schema , there are situations where we want to keep the tables while empty all the data stored in them. The following PL/SQL script does this.

               Warning!!!!! The script below will empty all tables 
                       under the current schema!!!
for r in (select table_name from user_tables order by table_name)
   execute immediate 'truncate table '||r.table_name;
   exception when others then null;
  end loop;

               Warning!!!!! The script above will empty all tables 
                       under the current schema!!!
I saved it as file this_will_empty_all_user_tables.sql. I logged in my schema using sqlplus and run the scripts.
$sqlplus myschema/mypassword

SQL> @this_will_empty_all_user_tables 

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
All data stored in the tables in current schema are gone while the table structure remain unchanged.

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