Monday, December 08, 2014

Create Views Based on Nonexistent Tables

In Oracle, it is possible to create views first based on nonexistent tables. After views are created, we can create the underlying tables and the view will work.
To create a view based on tables that do not exist, we using "create force view" as shown below.

SQL> create force view v_tbla as select * from tbla;
Warning: View created with compilation errors.
It is OK that we got the compilation errors. The key word "force" is necessary. Without it, the view will not be created.
SQL> create view v_tbla as select * from tbla;
create view v_tbla as select * from tbla
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
If we query this view, we will get an error message. This is fine. The error message will disappear after we create the underlying table tbla.
SQL> select * from v_tbla;
select * from v_tbla
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04063: view "DMUSER.V_TBLA" has errors
Now we create table that the view is based on and populate it with data. As we see, we can query the view!
SQL> create table tbla (id number, val varchar2(32));
Table created.

SQL> insert into tbla values (1,'hello');
1 row created.

SQL> select * from tbla;

---------- --------------------------------
  1 hello

SQL> select * from v_tbla;

---------- --------------------------------
  1 hello

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