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Thursday, December 20, 2018
Could Not Connect to Amazon RDS Oracle Database From Car Dealer WiFi
I am trying to connect to my Oracle database on Amazon RDS at a car dealer while my car is in service. My laptop is connecting to the public WiFi. When I try to connect to the Oracle server, I got "Error Message = IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection".
I realized the issue is caused by the new ip address not included Amazon Security Group inbound rules. I find my ip address. Then I log onto Amazon AWS console and find the security group associated with the DB instance. After I add a inbound rule 64.188.5.xxx/32, I am able to connect to the DB immediately.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Statistically Manufactured Personal Data
To avoid the trouble of dealing with personal data when we test our analytics processes, I have created mock personal data that closely reflect American population from statistical point of view. The largest data set has 1 million records with variables including first name, last name, sex, date of birth, social security number, address, phone number and email. The values of these variables are produced to be as realistic as possible to real American population. They represents about 0.33% of population in the United States.
These observations about the data 1 million mock personal data records are very close to the real statistics of the population in USA.
1.The top 4 states that have the most people are: California(138223 persons, %13.82), Texas(99217 persons, %9.92), Florida(69640 persons, %6.96) and New York(49979 persons, %5). These are close to the real distribution of the population in USA.
2. The female are 51% and the male are 49%.
3. Top 3 last names are Smith(10800 persons, %1.08), Williams(8000 persons, %.8) and Jones(6900 persons, %.69).
4. Top 3 female first names are Ava(4707 persons, %.93), Olivia(4508 persons, %.89) and Isabella(4311 persons, %.85) and top 3 male first names are Noah(5075 persons, %1.03), Elijah(4736 persons, %.96) and Liam(4434 persons, %.9).
5. The following table shows distributions of persons by age for both sexes. Women live longer than men.
Female Male Age Group # % # % .Under 5 years 34603 6.81% 35656 7.25% .5 to 9 years 34707 6.83% 34010 6.92% .10 to 14 years 30192 5.94% 33013 6.72% .15 to 19 years 34361 6.76% 32689 6.65% .20 to 24 years 32512 6.39% 36647 7.45% .25 to 29 years 35626 7.01% 37278 7.58% .30 to 34 years 34344 6.76% 31977 6.50% .35 to 39 years 33325 6.55% 31927 6.49% .40 to 44 years 33332 6.56% 34456 7.01% .45 to 49 years 35070 6.90% 35443 7.21% .50 to 54 years 37321 7.34% 34876 7.09% .55 to 59 years 31623 6.22% 31315 6.37% .60 to 64 years 28801 5.67% 24218 4.93% .65 to 69 years 20999 4.13% 19881 4.04% .70 to 74 years 16617 3.27% 14065 2.86% .75 to 79 years 13520 2.66% 10272 2.09% .80 to 84 years 10693 2.10% 7983 1.62% .85 years and over 10754 2.12% 5894 1.20%You may download a small file with 100 records free here. Free Download. Files with 5k, 50K, 250K and 1 million records are available for purchase at https://www.datamanufacturer.com.
File Name | Description | Price | Buy |
dm_mock_person_100.csv | 100 mock personal data records. CSV format. | free | Free Download |
dm_mock_person_5k.csv | 5K mock personal data records. About 0.7M bytes. CSV format. | $2.95 | |
dm_mock_person_50k.csv | 50K mock personal data records. About 7M bytes. CSV format. | $7.95 | |
dm_mock_person_250k.csv | 250K mock personal data records. About 35M bytes. CSV format. | $9.95 | |
dm_mock_person_1m.csv | 1 million mock personal data records. About 140M bytes. CSV format. | $39.95 |
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Generate Random String in Oracle
The following query generate random email address.
SQL> select dbms_random.string('l', 8)||'@'||dbms_random.string('l', 7)||'.com' email from dual; EMAIL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ irslsxrf@wltikyv.comThe first parameter 'l' means string will be created in lower cases.
Monday, December 17, 2018
Find the Most Frequent Values
To find the most frequent values, we can use STATS_MODE function. The following query shows areacode in state Missouri.
SQL> select areacode from T_PHONE_AREA where state='Missouri' order by 1; AREACODE ---------- 314 314 314 314 314 314 314 314 314 314 314 314 417 417 573 573 573 636 636 636 636 636 636 660 816 816 816 816 816 816 816 816 816 816 34 rows selected.In the following query, stats_mode(areacode) returns the areacode 314 that is the most frequent value.
SQL> select stats_mode(areacode) from T_PHONE_AREA where state='Missouri'; STATS_MODE(AREACODE) -------------------- 314
Remove the Last Word From a String Using Oracle SQL
I use the following query to remove the last word of a sentence.
with tbl as (select 'Boston city' as name from dual) select name, substr(name, 1, instr(name,' ',-1)-1 ) simple_name from tbl; NAME SIMPLE_NAME ----------- ----------- Boston city Boston
Find Out Table Columns That Are Indexed
I use the following query to find out columns that are indexed for a table.
select index_name, column_name from USER_IND_COLUMNS where table_name='MYTABLE'
Oracle Function Based Index is Handy
In table t_my_table, column name is in lower case. However, I want to join this table with another table where names are in upper cases. I create a function based index.
create index t_my_tablei on t_my_table(upper(name));That way, I don't to create another column or table that contains upper(name) and create index on it. When I join the two tables based on upper(a.name) = b.name, function based index upper(a.name) is used and it is fast.
select a.*, b.* from t_my_table a, my_another_table b where upper(a.name) = b.name;
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Amazon RDS Oracle Instance Running Out of Disc Space
My Oracle database instance on Amazon RDS runs out of disc space. I add more of them by modifying the instance and add extra disc space.
This is the link to instructions.
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Roulette Wheel Selection Using SQL
Roulette wheel selection is a very useful algorithm found in many applications such as Genetic Algorithm(GA). In GA solutions with higher fitness values are given larger probabilities of being selected to produce children, just like natural evolution. I implemented an Oracle SQL version of the Roulette wheel selection algorithm.
The first step is to calculate for each record the cumulative value for the variable that the selection will be based on, such as fitness function, probability or other. I used sum() over(order by) analytics function. Make sure the "order by" is using a unique key so that the cumulative value is also unique.
create table tbl as select id, num, sum(num) over(order by id) as cum_count from t_mydata;The following is the roulette wheel selection scripts.
create table t_rw(sel number); declare mx number; rnd number; x number; begin select max(cum_count) into mx from tbl; for i in 1..10000 loop execute immediate 'select ora_hash(:1,:2) from dual ' into rnd using i, mx; select min(cum_count) into x from tbl where cum_count >= rnd; insert into t_rw(sel) values(x); end loop; end; create view v_selected as select a.* from tbl a, t_rw b where a.cum_count=b.sel;In the above scripts, ora_hash() generates a uniformly distributed random number between 0 and maximum cum_count. The selected cum_count is inserted into t_rw. The final result is the view v_selected which is based on the inner join of table tbl and t_rw.
Tuesday, December 04, 2018
Generate Serial Number for Existing Table
Table T_REVIEW has column id as the unique key and dt as the timestamp. I want to add a serial number to the table based on the order by dt and id. In the following scripts, I use window function row_number to generate the serial number and update the table.
alter table t_review add(seq number); update t_review a set seq= ( with tbl as (select id, row_number() over(order by dt, id) rnk from t_review) select rnk from tbl b where b.id=a.id );
Incrementally Add New Records to Table
I have a table t_review that stores historical records including key sid and timestamp dt. Every day, more records come into table t_new. I use the following scripts to add those new records identified by sid in t_new to t_review.
begin insert into t_review(sid, dt) select sid, sysdate from (select sid from t_new minus select sid from t_review); commit; end;
Friday, November 30, 2018
Load Text Into Oracle Table CLOB Column Using Python Part 2
The texts in some records are too long, e.g., more thatn 22k characters. This is inconvenient when we try to edit it online. I use chunkstring(line2,900) to divide the text into multiple strings of fixed length of 900 characters and stored them in multiple records. uuid.uuid1().hex is used to generate an universally unique id.
import cx_Oracle import uuid def chunkstring(string, length): return (string[0+i:length+i] for i in range(0, len(string), length)) connection = cx_Oracle.connect("xxxxx","xxxx",\ "golden.maxapex.net:1521/xxxx",\ encoding = "UTF-8", nencoding = "UTF-8") cur = connection.cursor() cur.setinputsizes(T1 = cx_Oracle.CLOB) cur.setinputsizes(T2 = cx_Oracle.CLOB) f = open('id_baike2.txt', \ encoding="utf8") line1 = f.readline() line2 = f.readline() while line2: vuid = uuid.uuid1().hex data_list = list(chunkstring(line2,900)) for idx, v in enumerate(data_list): cur.execute("INSERT INTO t_text_clob_m (ID, SID, SEQ, T1) \ VALUES (:ID, :SID, :SEQ, :T1)",\ ID = int(line1), SID = vuid, SEQ = idx+1, T1 = v) # create table t_text_clob_m (id number, sid raw(32), seq number, t1 clob); line1 = f.readline() line2 = f.readline() f.close() connection.commit() cur.close() connection.close()
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Load Text Into Oracle Table CLOB Column Using Python
A text file contains Chinese texts that describe close to 4 thousand small towns. The ID of a town is always the first line followed by the text. The text could be as long as 22k characters. Thus, we have to use CLOB to store these texts.
1 宁明县爱店镇成立于1992年3月,位于中越陆地边境公母山下,与越南谅山省禄平县接壤, 边境线长达25.5公里,... 2 林逢镇位居田东县城东部,地处右江河谷中心地带、大西南出海通道咽喉要地,东经南宁可达北海、 防城及广东沿海各地,...From SQL Developer client, I connect to the Oracle database and create a table with a CLOB column to store the text.
#create a table to hold texts create table t_text (id number, val clob);I load the file into the table on Amazone RDS Oracle database using the following scripts.
import cx_Oracle connection = cx_Oracle.connect("xxxxx","xxx",\ "orcl.xxxxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:1521/orcl",\ encoding = "UTF-8", nencoding = "UTF-8") cur = connection.cursor() cur.setinputsizes(VAL = cx_Oracle.CLOB) f = open('id_baike2.txt', encoding="utf8") line1 = f.readline() line2 = f.readline() while line2: cur.execute("INSERT INTO t_text (ID, VAL) VALUES (:ID, :VAL)", \ ID=int(line1),VAL=line2) line1 = f.readline() line2 = f.readline() f.close() connection.commit() cur.close() connection.close()
Connect to Amazon RDS Oracle Database Using Python
The following scripts connect to an Oracle database and execute queries.
import cx_Oracle connection = cx_Oracle.connect("aisxxx","xxxxxxx",\ "orcl.ctbxxxxxxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:1521/orcl") # username, password, host:port number/service name cur = connection.cursor() # query table cur.execute("select table_name, tablespace_name from user_tables order by 1") for each in cur.description: print(each[0:2]) for col_1, col_2 in cur.fetchall(): print(col_1+" "+col_2) cur.close() connection.close()Outputs are the following.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Find All Unique Characters In a Text File
There is a file containing 7,288 lines of Chinese text (see below). I want to find our all characters that appear in the text.
$ head -2 id_baike2.txt 1 宁明县爱店镇成立于1992年3月,位于中越陆地边境公母山下,与越南谅山省禄平县接壤, 边境线长达25.5公里,东兴至那坡沿边公路贯穿其间。 爱店为国家一类口岸,是我国西南经济板块通往东南亚的陆路效能要道。 全镇下辖3个村委会19个自然屯,总面积65.79平方公里,耕地面积7225亩, 粮食播种面积2700亩,总人8055口人,其中流动人口2000余人。 爱店镇1995年被国家建设部定为全国500家小城镇建设试点之一, 2002年被定为全区小城镇建设重点镇。城镇各种基础设施日臻完善。 镇区主要街道全部实现硬化和街砖铺设。 2006年以来,爱店镇结合崇左市开展市容环境综合整治竞赛活动和城乡清洁工程, 与有关部门共同筹措资金共561.7万元投入小城镇建设, 不断扩大城镇规模和完善城镇功能,搞好环境卫生,提高口岸服务水平, 树立良好国门形象。著名的“金牛潭”风景区, 常年流水潺潺,怪石嶙峋,古木参天,景色迷人。 历代的文人名士曾在潭边题字留墨,常年吸引大批游客前来观光旅游。 镇内公母山海拔1358米,山奇水秀,景色宜人。主要有金牛潭生态旅游度假村、 公母山庄、爱店起义纪念碑、I use the following Linux command to accomplish this.
cat id_baike2.txt | awk -F "" '{for (i=1;i <= NF;i++) print $i;}' | sort | uniq -c > char_list.txtThe following shows the partial result. The number on the left is the frequency of the characters appearing in the file
3 50033 94 ! 3773 " 47 # 124 $ 23974 % 56 & 422 ' 7333 ( 7245 ) 101 * 672 + 7558 , 9437 - 64329 . 1700 / 267266 0 239610 1 201818 2 108849 3 91833 4 111514 5 86085 6 69366 7 83533 8 100306 9 1309 : 758 ; 25 <I also use the following python scripts to do the same calculation.
import collections f = open('id_baike2.txt', encoding="utf8") lines = f.readlines() lines_joined = ' '.join(lines) frq = collections.Counter(lines_joined) frq.most_common(100) f.close()
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Introducing New Book: Principles of Database Management – The Practical Guide to Storing, Managing and Analyzing Big and Small Data
Deep-Data-Mining is pleased to introduce the new book, Principles of Database
Management – The Practical Guide to Storing, Managing and Analyzing Big and
Small Data, by Lemahieu W., vanden Broucke S., and Baesens B. (ISBN: 9781107186125). The following is the book interview.
Why did you decide to write your book
Principles of Database Management?
This book is the result of having taught an
undergraduate database management class and a postgraduate advanced database
management class for more than ten years at KU Leuven (Belgium). Throughout these years, we have found no good
textbook which covers the material in a comprehensive way without getting
flooded by theoretical detail and losing focus.
Hence, after having teamed up together, we decided
to start writing a book ourselves.
This work aims to offer a complete and practical guide covering all the
governing principles of database management, including:
- End-to-end coverage starting with legacy technologies to emerging trends such as Big Data, NoSQL databases, Analytics, data governance, etc.
- A unique perspective on how lessons learnt from past data management could be relevant in today’s technology setting (e.g., navigational access and its perils in Codasyl and XML/OO databases)
- A critical reflection and accompanying risk management considerations when implementing the technologies considered, based on our own experiences from participating in data and analytics related projects with industry partners in a variety of sectors, from banking to retail and from government to the cultural sector
- Offering a solid balance between theory and practice, including various exercises, industry examples and case studies originating from a diversified and complimentary business practice, scientific research and academic teaching experience
We hear a lot of companies
complaining about bad data quality these days.
How can database management contribute to this?
First of all, data quality (DQ) is often
defined as ‘fitness for use,’ which implies the relative nature of the
concept. Data of acceptable quality in
one decision context may be perceived to be of poor quality in another decision
context, even by the same business user.
For instance, the extent to which data is required to be complete for
accounting tasks may not be required for analytical sales prediction tasks. Database management can contribute in various
ways to improving data quality.
A good conceptual data model capturing the
business requirements as accurately as possible is the start of
everything. As discussed in the book,
both EER and UML can be used for this purpose.
It is important to also list the semantic shortcomings of the conceptual
models developed such that they can be followed up during application
A next important activity concerns metadata
management. Just as raw data, also
metadata is data that needs to be properly modeled, stored and managed. Hence, the concepts of data modeling should
also be applied to metadata in a transparent way. In a DBMS approach, metadata is stored in a
catalog, sometimes also called data dictionary or data repository, which
constitutes the heart of the database system.
Finally, to manage and safeguard data quality,
a data governance culture should be put in place assigning clear roles and
responsibilities. The ultimate aim of data governance is to set up a
company-wide controlled and supported approach towards data quality,
accompanied by data quality management processes. The core idea is to manage
data as an asset rather than a liability, and adopt a proactive attitude
towards data quality problems. To succeed, it should be a key element of a
company’s corporate governance and supported by senior management.
Should all companies start to invest in NoSQL
The explosion of popularity of NoSQL databases should be put in
perspective considering their limitations.
Most NoSQL implementations have yet to prove their true worth in the
field (most are very young and in development).
Most implementations sacrifice ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation
and durability) concerns in favor of being
eventually consistent, and the lack of relational support makes expressing some queries or aggregations particularly difficult,
with map-reduce interfaces being offered as a
possible, but harder to learn and use, alternative. Combined with the
fact that RDBMSs do provide strong support for transactionality,
durability and manageability, quite a few early adopters of NoSQL were
confronted with some sour lessons. It
would be an over-simplification to reduce the choice between RDBMSs and NoSQL
databases to a choice between consistency and integrity on the one hand, and
scalability and flexibility on the other.
The market of NoSQL systems is far too diverse for that. Still, this tradeoff will often come into
play when deciding on taking the NoSQL route.
We see many NoSQL vendors focusing again on robustness and
durability. We also observe traditional
RDBMS vendors implementing features that let you build schema-free, scalable
data stores inside a traditional RDBMS, capable to store nested,
semi-structured documents, as this seems to remain the true selling point of
most NoSQL databases, especially those in the document store category. Expect the future trend to continue towards
adoption of such “blended systems”, except for use cases that require
specialized, niche database management systems.
In these settings, the NoSQL movement has rightly taught users that the
one size fits all mentality of relational systems is no longer applicable and
should be replaced by finding the right tool for the job. For instance, graph databases arise as being
“hyper-relational” databases, which makes relations first class citizens next
to records themselves rather than doing away with them altogether.
Many companies are investing in data lakes
these days. What is the difference with
a data warehouse?
Much more recent than
data warehouses, the data lake concept became known as part of the big data and
analytics trend. Although both data
warehouses and data lakes are essentially data repositories, there are some
clear differences as listed in the table below.
Often unstructured
Low cost
Before entering the DW
Before analysis
Decision makers
Data Scientists
A key distinguishing property of a data lake is that it stores raw data
in its native format, which could be structured, unstructured or
semi-structured. This makes data lakes
fit for more exotic and ‘bulk’ data types that we generally do not find in data
warehouses, such as social media feeds, clickstreams, server logs, sensor data,
etc. A data lake collects data emanating
from operational sources ‘as is’, often without knowing upfront which analyses
will be performed on it, or even whether the data will ever be involved in
analysis at all. For this reason, either
no or only very limited transformations (formatting, cleansing, …) are
performed on the data before it enters the data lake. Consequently, when the data is tapped from
the data lake to be analyzed, quite a bit of processing will typically be
required before it is fit for analysis.
The data schema definitions are only determined when the data is read
(schema-on-read) instead of when the data is loaded (schema-on-write) as is the
case for a data warehouse. Storage costs
for data lakes are also relatively low because most of the implementations are
open-source solutions that can be easily installed on low-cost commodity
hardware. Since a data warehouse assumes
a predefined structure, it is less agile compared to a data lake which has no
structure. Also, data warehouses have
been around for quite some time already, which automatically implies that their
security facilities are more mature.
Finally, in terms of users, a data warehouse is targeted towards
decision makers at middle and top management level, whereas a data lake requires
a data scientist, which is a more specialized profile in terms of data handling
and analysis.
How do Object Oriented DBMSs (OODBMSs) compare
against Relational Databases (RDBMSs)? Why haven’t they been that successful?
OODBMSs offer several advantages. First, they store complex objects and
relationships in a transparent way. The
identity based approach allows for improved performance when performing complex
queries involving multiple interrelated objects, avoiding expensive joins. By using the same data model as the
programming language to develop database applications, the impedance mismatch
problem is no longer an issue. In
addition, developers can be more productive, as they are confronted with only a
single language and data model.
Still, the success of OODBMSs has been limited
to niche applications characterized by complex, nested data structures where an
identity-based, instead of a value-based, method of working pays off. An example is the processing of scientific data sets by CERN in
Switzerland, where data access
follows predictable
patterns. The widespread use and performance of RDBMSs, however, proved hard to
displace: the (ad-hoc) query formulation and optimization procedures of OODBMSs
are often inferior to relational databases, which all adopt SQL as their
primary database language combined with a powerful query optimizer. When compared to RDBMSs, OODBMSs are not that
developed in terms of robustness, security,
scalability and fault-tolerance. They
also don’t provide a transparent implementation of
the three-layer database architecture.
More specifically, most OODBMSs provide
no support for defining external database models, such as views in the
relational model.
Why are so many companies still struggling with
database legacy instead of investing in newer technologies?
Many firms still struggle with legacy databases
due to historical implementations and limited IT budgets. Hence, knowing the basic characteristics
thereof is essential to the maintenance of the corresponding database
applications and the potential migration to modern DBMSs. Second, understanding the basics of these
legacy models will contribute to better understanding the semantical richness
of newer database technologies. Finally,
the concept of procedural DML and navigational access originally introduced by
these legacy models has also been adopted by more recent databases such as
This book covers a few decades of evolutions in
the database world. Which developments or patterns struck you as the most
remarkable in the long run ?
The perseverance of SQL is really striking. It survived object-oriented databases and XML
databases, and after a while, many of its constructs were even incorporated in
these paradigms. More recently, there is
considerable irony (and beauty) in the fact that one of the main tendencies of
NoSQL development efforts is to mimic the convenient data retrieval and query
facilities of, well, SQL-based databases. Solutions for ‘SQL on top of NoSQL’ are all
over the place. And let’s not forget: SQL still remains a beautiful
Is there any additional material provided
(e.g., for instructors or students)?
Yes, the book comes
with the following additional material:
- A website
with additional information: www.pdbmbook.com
- Free
YouTube lectures for each of the 20 chapters, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o36Z_OqC2ac&list=PLdQddgMBv5zHcEN9RrhADq3CBColhY2hl
- PowerPoint slides for each of the 20 chapters, see http://www.pdbmbook.com/lecturers
- A solutions manual with the solutions to all multiple choice and open questions.
- An online
playground with diverse environments, including MySQL for querying; MongoDB;
Neo4j Cypher; and a tree structure visualization environment
- Full-color illustrations throughout the text
- Extensive coverage of important trending topics, including data
warehousing, business intelligence, data integration, data quality, data
governance, Big Data, and analytics
- Hundreds
of examples to illustrate and clarify the concepts discussed that can be
reproduced on the book’s companion online playground
- Case studies, review questions,
problems, and exercises in every chapter
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Milestone Project Accomplished- Using Artificial Intelligence to Calculate Characteristic Town Index
- Multiple teams have spent months to collect 69 variables that are relevant for 3,700 towns. These variables cover climate, geography, economy, ecology, transportation, Internet infrastructure and so on.
- Expert systems are subjective, rigid and static. It is hard to adjust expert systems based on the discrepancies between their outputs and the realities. The feedback mechanism is lacking.
- Data, machine learning models and applications should form closed loops. The data are used to train models. Models' outputs provide decision support for applications. The data are updated and enhanced when models are applied in real world, e.g., finding better target variables. These closed loops allow models to be improved iteratively.
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