Safety stock provides a "cushion" in inventory to address the uncertainty in a customer's demand. It is important to maintain the "right" amount of safety stock. If it is too low, we may not be able to fulfill a customers' orders in a timely fashion. On the other hand, safety stock that is too high incurs significant financial and/or logistics burden to the business.
The calculation of safety stock is based on a number of factors include historical customer demands, product lead time and fill rate (a.k.a., demand satisfaction). The team at builds a website and describe a popular approach to calculate safety stock using an example. On the website, you may also find two free tools that are useful, an online calculator and a downloadable spreadsheet with all the formulas. Enjoy!
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Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Inventory Optimization - Calculate Safety Stock
Monday, November 30, 2020
An Online Tool for Analyzing Chinese Text
We have developed a free online tool for analyzing Chinese document. The URL of the tool is located at here. A user fills in the textbox with the content and click Submit button. The tool identifies words, calculates frequencies for those words and display a word cloud picture.
. Enjoy!Monday, April 20, 2020
Real COVID-19 Death Rate
In my last post, we did research on COVID-19 death rate based on the ratio between the number of deaths and the number of confirmed cases. However, this method is inherently flawed. Some infected people did not show up at a hospital or a testing station to get tested. As a result, the death rate is exaggerated. Blood antibody tests on randomly sampled residents in Santa Clara, California in early April shows that the number of people infected is 55 to 85 times more than confirmed cases ( Thus, the real death rate for people who infected with coronavirus is between 0.1% and 0.17% which are similar to that of flu. We use the following charts to illustrate two ways of calculating death rates. COVID-19 Death Rate (Flawed) = Number of Deaths/ Number of Confirmed Cases
COVID-19 Death Rate (Real) = Number of Deaths/Number of Infected As we can see, the chance of COVID-19 bullet hitting the bullseye, i.e., causing death, is much slimmer that appears based on confirmed cases alone.Thursday, April 02, 2020
Study on COVID-19 Annualized Death Rate
Probably this is the first time you see a chart like this. When people hear COVID-19 death rate for older people is high, they panic. We did research and published a paper on COVID-19 death rate( Study on COVID-19 Annualized Death Rate). Please notice the death rates for COVID-19 are "annualized". But we have to look at things in context. When COVID-19 death rate is annualized, it can be compared with other statistical data that are on annual basis. This is the key contribution of our research.
Monday, March 02, 2020
Querying Database Using Command Line Client and Powershell
mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local --host=localhost --user=root --port=3306 --passwordWhen we run the above command at a shell, it will prompt us to input password. It will create a file .mylogin.cnf that is not humanly readable under home directory (I am using Mac. For Windows, the file is under %APPDATA%\MySQL). The reason of doing this is to avoid an annoying security warning message if we supply the password in mysql command. If you don't mind the warning message, you can skip the step. Then I write a Powershell function to query MySQL database. I save the scripts as mysql_f.ps1 on my Mac.
function runsql { param($s) mysql --login-path=local -D dataexp -B -e "$s" | convertfrom-csv -delimiter `t }I issue the following command from the shell
prompt>. "./mysql_f.ps1"Now the function is defined. I test the function.
prompt>runsql "select 1 as val" val --- 1It worked. The following query displays the table in the current database.
prompt>runsql "select TABLE_SCHEMA, table_name, create_time from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()" TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME CREATE_TIME ------------ ---------- ----------- dataexp flyway_schema_history 2019-11-21 11:56:31 dataexp mdl_sampled 2020-01-14 10:40:06 dataexp mdl_set 2020-01-14 09:46:59 dataexp sample_user_id 2020-01-14 09:58:34 dataexp t_all_pk1 2019-12-05 11:53:43 dataexp t_all_pk1_int 2019-12-05 22:14:54 dataexp t_all_tab_cols 2019-11-21 15:39:00From the Powershell output, we select only table_name an create_time by piping the output to "select" command of Powershell.
prompt>runsql "select TABLE_SCHEMA, table_name, create_time from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()" | select table_name, create_time TABLE_NAME CREATE_TIME ---------- ----------- flyway_schema_history 2019-11-21 11:56:31 mdl_sampled 2020-01-14 10:40:06 mdl_set 2020-01-14 09:46:59 sample_user_id 2020-01-14 09:58:34 t_all_pk1 2019-12-05 11:53:43 t_all_pk1_int 2019-12-05 22:14:54 t_all_tab_cols 2019-11-21 15:39:00The above operation is possible because in runsql function, we use convertfrom-csv to convert text output of mysql to Powershell object. Convertfrom-csv is really a magic function! Once we have an Powershell object, we can do all sorts of things.